Daniel R. Patterson is an Australian theologian who lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Having returned from Scotland where he completed his PhD in theological ethics under Brian Brock and Stanley Hauerwas, Daniel now lives with his wife and two girls in Bulgaria.
Daniel lectures in theology and ethics at St. Trivelius Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria. He is also an adjunct researcher at Sheridan College, Perth, Australia.
His particular research interests include gender, sexuality, and the body. This finds particular expression where theology and the gender theory of Judith Butler intersect. Further to this, Dan reads in continental philosophy, queer theory, feminism, and is concerned with church/state relations.
He is a member of the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics (SSCE), Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), The Society of Christian Ethics (SCE), and the Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Studies (ANZATS).
Daniel R. Patterson, “What is the most important question Christian thinkers ought to be asking about sex and gender right now?” Faith & Flourishing (Forthcoming, 2024).
Brian Brock, Nadine Hamilton, and Daniel R. Patterson, eds., How to do Christian Ethics: Living in the Grammar of Christian Life Every Day (T&T Clark, forthcoming in 2024).
Daniel R. Patterson,“Cancel Culture: Mobilizing Christian Ethics at the Scene of Judgment,” in How to do Christian Ethics: Living in the Grammar of Christian Life Every Day (T&T Clark, forthcoming in 2024).
Reforming a Theology of Gender: Constructive Reflections on Judith Butler and Gender Theory (Eugene: Cascade, 2022).
Daniel R. Patterson, “The Law of Adam and Eve: Judith Butler Matters, and so does the Fall and Jesus,” in 1968: Culture and Counter Culture (Oregon: Pickwick, 2020), 292–309.