
Reforming a Theology of Gender: Constructive Reflections on Judith Butler and Gender Theory (Eugene: Cascade, 2022).

Edited Volumes

Brian Brock, Nadine Hamilton, and Daniel R. Patterson, eds., How to do Christian Ethics: Living in the Grammar of Christian Life Every Day (T&T Clark, 2025).


Daniel R. Patterson,“Cancel Culture: Mobilizing Christian Ethics at the Scene of Judgment,” in How to do Christian Ethics: Living in the Grammar of Christian Life Every Day (T&T Clark, 2025).

Daniel R. Patterson, “The Law of Adam and Eve: Judith Butler Matters, and so does the Fall and Jesus,” in 1968: Culture and Counter Culture (Oregon: Pickwick, 2020), 292–309.


Daniel R. Patterson, “What is the most important question Christian thinkers ought to be asking about sex and gender right now?” Faith & Flourishing (Forthcoming, 2025).

Деніел Р. Паттерсон, “Образ і закон Адама ма Єви: заклик до Євангелія,” ШТУДІЇ: Журнал евангельского богословия 4, (2024): 63–84.

Book Reviews

Daniel R. Patterson, review of Gender as Love: A Theological Account of Human Identity, Embodied Desire, and Our Social Worlds, by Fellipe do Vale. Studies in Christian Ethics (forthcoming).